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A number of Aamir Khan movies that have come out in the last decade have been a very strong reflection of our existing society. These do question some very basic fundamentals. There is a very subtle delivery of very relevant social messages in his films. They are in a manner which connects with the audience and uplifts their awareness on the issue. For Dangal, it was Rural School Education specially for girls. 

In today’s times when female empowerment and equal opportunity for all is the call of the hour, Dangal with its women centric storyline makes a very strong statement.

Do we have potential in rural areas?

Although there have been multiple opinions w.r.t how the wrestler father pushes her daughters to becomes wrestlers. We at iDream Education draw a fairly simple analogy relevant to our work in rural and government schools.

We ask this question “ What do you think was the biggest turning point of the movie? “

From the true essence of the film perspective, we believe it was this!

It was this eureka moment, when both the Phogat sisters realized the purpose and vision of what was happening to them and why. This was when they experienced the bitter reality of what life holds for them on the other side. This was when they instantaneously connected to how their father was trying to re-write their future lives…..and it was this very moment when they made the pro-active choice and two wrestlers were born!

What followed was just an enjoyable journey to that strong connect they made in this moment to what they wish life to be.

Before that, there was a lot of teaching happening, but no learning. They were just finding ways of avoiding whatever the wrestler father was doing.

At iDream Education we are always thinking about rural school education. So, we instantly connected to the relevance of the understanding to all our rural learning initiatives and something which we have very deeply felt every time we have worked with rural students.

What do we draw out of this beautiful moment?

  1. Simply put, learning is a very personal phenomenon, a choice that an individual makes as a way to personal and professional growth in life.
  2. Second, experience is the only and true teacher. Whether physical or virtual, experiential or situation based learning leads to real growth.
  3. And third, we can push a lot of teaching but we cannot push learning. Learning only happens when the learner enjoys the process.

Relevance to Rural School Education:

The biggest unsolved problem in our rural regions, is two pronged:

  1. The children don’t have the awareness of what life can be and how can they make the choices of growing out of their challenging life and environment
  2. They just don’t connect to and therefore don’t enjoy the learning process

We believe its time that we engage our rural students; personalize their education by delivering the best of content in their local languages and share awareness on how they can re-write their own lives with the choices they make. And to do that, first we need to make the rural students enjoy the learning process.

Via various initiatives and interventions, the entire education fraternity, state govts and CSR can help the rural students build a purpose in life and start enjoying their education.

Does TabLab fit the bill?

  1. The multimedia animations and play way apps simulate real life environment to make them experience learning in an enjoyable manner. Therefore it delivers interactive and experiential learning
  2. Students love learning via touch based devices. Therefore the entire learning process at govt schools, becomes pro-active thereby making them happily connect to it

Read how Nikhil self taught himself with TABLAB.

We are aligning our work and solutions completely to the core vision. That is to see the rural school children willingly and happily learning at schools. We wan them to experience the awareness of what learning can bring to their lives.

Basically, when we will see a rural, government school child experience a hand pump and question himself, “ how does this machine pull out water from the earth? We would happily know that a young scientist is born in rural India!

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 Cheers to Happy Learning!

At iDream Education, we work with a vision to facilitate universal access to learning and growth. Our solutions are designed to break the learning barriers and empower students to Learn Unlimited.

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