Bridging the Language Gap: iPrep, A K-12 Learning Platform with Digital NCERT Books in Hindi
In India, where languages dance and dialects sing, Hindi stands as a unifying force. It is a language spoken and understood by millions across the nation. Yet, for countless students, especially those in rural areas and Hindi-medium schools, accessing quality educational resources in their native tongue remains a challenge. This linguistic barrier can impact learning, limit opportunities, and perpetuate educational inequities.
Imagine a girl in a government school, eager to learn and absorb knowledge. But the textbooks she has are in English, a language foreign to her, filled with unfamiliar words and complex concepts. The joy of learning will dim, replaced by frustration and a sense of exclusion. This is the reality faced by many students in India, where the language of instruction often differs from the language of the home.
Bridging this language gap is not just a matter of convenience! It is a fundamental step towards inclusive and equitable education
- When students learn in a language they understand and are comfortable with, they can fully engage with the learning material. This way they grasp complex ideas, and develop a lifelong love of learning.
- When students learn in Hindi or their native language they are more likely to participate in class discussions. This way, they ask questions, and express their opinions.
- Learning in Hindi or a language students are familiar with, they connect new information with their existing knowledge and experiences. This makes their learning more meaningful and engaging.
- When students are not struggling with language comprehension, they have more cognitive resources available to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This fosters critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
- Enabling learning in a preferred language creates a more inclusive learning environment. This ensures that all students have equal access to educational opportunities.
NCERT Books in Hindi Bridging the Language Gap
When learning at home or school, books remain an integral part of student learning. Access to educational materials in a student’s preferred language is crucial for effective comprehension and knowledge retention. Recognizing this, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) offers a wide array of textbooks in Hindi. This is to cater to the diverse linguistic landscape of India.
NCERT textbooks have long been known as the gold standard for students across the country. It serves as the foundation for success in CBSE board exams, class tests, and competitive entrance exams like NEET, UPSC, and JEE. These books are meticulously crafted to build a strong conceptual understanding of each subject, covering everything from English and Social Science to the core sciences like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. By making these resources available in Hindi, NCERT ensures that language is not a barrier to learning.
iPrep Enabling Digital NCERT Books in Hindi
In the digital age of education, ensuring equitable access to learning resources is paramount. As more schools and students embrace digital learning, the need for NCERT textbooks in Hindi has become increasingly clear. This shift not only streamlines the transition to digital classrooms but also empowers students to learn in their preferred language. Recognizing the prevalence of Hindi and local languages in many schools, particularly those served by government and social sector initiatives, it’s essential that educational platforms support bilingualism in classrooms. This fosters inclusivity and enhances comprehension for students across diverse backgrounds.
We have been consistently enabling bilingualism through iPrep’s K-12 digital content in Hindi, English, and local languages. By providing NCERT digital books in Hindi for each class, iPrep aligns seamlessly with the existing school curriculum. This is to ensure continuity and familiarity for teachers and students when learning through digital.
A closer look at how these digital textbooks are offered on the iPrep platform
From intuitive navigation to interactive features, iPrep’s interface enhances the overall learning experience. This makes digital NCERT books in Hindi both accessible and engaging.
Here are the digital NCERT books available in Hindi on iPrep:
Nursery to UKG
- iPrep’s Hindi-medium Foundation Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) content grows with the child from Nursery to UKG. Starting with core subjects like Math (गणित), EVS (पर्यावरण अध्ययन), and Hindi Grammar (हिंदी व्याकरण) in Nursery, each stage builds in complexity, aligning with the National Curriculum Framework’s developmental goals. By UKG, children explore NCERT digital books in Hindi for subjects such as Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Poetry (कविताएं) and more. Whether a child’s strength is Hindi or English, iPrep’s dual-language presentation ensures a comfortable, inclusive environment for every learner.
For Class 1
- iPrep offers a comprehensive learning experience for Class 1 students with digital NCERT textbooks in Hindi across all subjects, including Math (गणित), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य). Popular titles like “संख्याओं के साथ खेल,” “हम कितना खर्च कर सकते हैं?,” and “कितने” are just a few examples of the engaging content available in Hindi.
Class 2
- iPrep brings NCERT digital books in Hindi for class 2 with other digital content for all subjects. You can find fun lessons like “संख्याओं का आनंद”, “समूह एवं बँटवारा”, “नीमा की दादी”, and “तीन दोस्त”, all in Hindi! No more turning pages or searching for chapters – just scroll and find what you need. These PDF syllabus books can be easily accessed on any device such as mobile, tablet, smart TV, or IFP, making learning easier than ever!
For Class 3
- As students move to higher grades, the complexity of their studies increases. Recognizing this, iPrep offers digital NCERT Books in Hindi, covering subjects like Maths (गणित), EVS (पर्यावरण अध्ययन), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), and Computers. These digital books feature all chapters and topics in Hindi, including engaging titles such as ‘संख्याओं की उछल कूद’, ‘हमारा पहला स्कूल’, ‘हमारे साथी जानवर’, ‘बीरबल की खिचड़ी’, and ‘हम अनेक किंतु एक’. iPrep focus on providing all NCERT books in Hindi ensures that students can access educational materials in their preferred language, breaking down language and resource barriers to learning.
Class 4
- In this grade, subjects such as Maths (गणित), EVS (पर्यावरण अध्ययन), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), and Computers remain similar to Class 3, but the level of learning deepens. Now, digital NCERT introduces engaging topics like ईंटों से बनी इमारत, आधा और चौथाई”, दुनिया कुछ ऐसी दिखती है, ओमना का सफ़र, चूँ-चूँ करती आई चिड़िया, फ़ौजी वहीद, स्वतंत्रता की ओर and more all in Hindi. These stories and poems connect students with real-life people and experiences. Learning these topics in Hindi enhances their understanding and encourages critical thinking about their surroundings.
Grade 5
- In this Grade, students revisit familiar subjects like Maths (गणित), EVS (पर्यावरण अध्ययन), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), and Computers, but the learning journey takes a deeper dive. Digital NCERT topics in hindi now include आकृतियाँ और कोण, कितने वर्ग?,पानी के प्रयोग, जब धरती काँपी, कहानी सँपेरों की, and more. As students explore stories like कहानी सँपेरों की and events like जब धरती काँपी, they develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. Learning these topics in Hindi not only strengthens their language skills but also fosters a connection to their cultural roots, encouraging them to analyze and question the world through a uniquely Indian lens.
For Grade 6
- As the level increases, Digital NCERT books in Hindi also cover a wider range of subjects. The curriculum gets vast on iPrep as well, which includes subjects such as Maths (गणित), Science (विज्ञान), History (इतिहास), Civics (नागरिक शास्त्र), Geography (भूगोल), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Sanskrit (संस्कृत) and Computers. As the subjects increase, students learn topics that outline the basics of these subjects, which includes भोजन के घटक, वस्तुओं के समूह बनाना, आखेट–खाद्य संग्रह से भोजन उत्पादन तक, राज्य, राजा और एक प्राचीन गणराज्य, सौरमंडल में पृथ्वी, विविधता की समझ and more. All this in Hindi helps students gain a deeper understanding of complex concepts in their mother tongue, fostering a love for learning and building a strong academic foundation.
Class 7
- In grade 7, subjects such as subjects such as Maths (गणित), Science (विज्ञान), History (इतिहास), Civics (नागरिक शास्त्र), Geography (भूगोल), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Sanskrit (संस्कृत) and Computers remain same, but the level of learning deepens. Now, digital NCERT introduces engaging topics like गति एवं समय, दिल्ली बारवीं से पन्द्रहवि शताब्दी, अठारहवीं शताब्दी में नए राजनितिक गठन, स्वास्थ्य में सरकार की भूमिका, and more. Hindi digital content on these topics makes learning more accessible and fosters a deeper understanding by allowing students to engage with complex concepts in the language they are comfortable with.
For Class 8
- In 8th grade, students revisit familiar subjects such as Maths (गणित), Science (विज्ञान), History (इतिहास), Civics (नागरिक शास्त्र), Geography (भूगोल), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Sanskrit (संस्कृत), but the learning journey takes a deeper dive. Digital NCERT topics in hindi now include, चतुर्भुजों को समझना, आँकड़ो का प्रबंधन, दहन और ज्वाला, जंतुओं में जनन, देशी जनता को सभ्य बनाना राष्ट्र को शिक्षित करना, भारतीय संविधान, संसाधन and more. As students learn topics like this in Hindi, they develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and sharpen their analytical skills. By learning through NCERT digital content in Hindi, students not only become more interested in the subjects but also connect them to their daily lives. This makes their learning process more effective and enjoyable.
Grade 9
- As the level increases, Digital NCERT books in Hindi provide a wider range of subjects including some that were in previous grades. The NCERT curriculum of class 9 includes, Maths (गणित), Science (विज्ञान), Political science (राजनीति विज्ञान), Geography (भूगोल), Economics (अर्थशास्त्र) History (इतिहास), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Sanskrit (संस्कृत) and Computers. The topics and level of information on all of these subjects increase significantly, where students learn about जनसंख्या (Population), भारत में खाद्य सुरक्षा (Food Security in India), प्राकृतिक वनस्पति तथा वन्य प्राणी (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife), लोकतंत्र क्या ? लोकतंत्र क्यों ? (What is Democracy? Why Democracy?), फ़्रांसीसी क्रांति (French Revolution), दो चरों वाला रैखिक समीकरण (Linear Equations in Two Variables) and more. This digital content in Hindi, aligned with NCERT guidelines, empowers Class 9 students to grasp complex concepts easily and make learning comprehensible.
Class 10
- NCERT Digital Books in Hindi for class 10 students include subjects similar to class 9th that is Maths (गणित), Science (विज्ञान), Political science (राजनीति विज्ञान), Geography (भूगोल), Economics (अर्थशास्त्र), History (इतिहास), English Literature, Hindi Literature (हिन्दी साहित्य), Sanskrit (संस्कृत) and Computers. However, the level of learning deepens. Now, because it is time to reflect on previous learning, here the topics become critical which includes भारत में राष्ट्रवाद, सत्ता की साझेदारी, लोकतंत्र के परिणाम, मुद्रा और साख, उपभोक्ता अधिकार and more. By this stage, students tend to develop a good understanding of India’s development, economy, political status, and more. Therefore, digital learning in Hindi or any preferred language helps students connect with concepts better if they have grown up learning in Hindi. Introducing learning in a new language at this stage can impact the ability to grasp concepts and retain more.
Class 11 and 12 (All Streams)
- For higher classes, iPrep offers NCERT Digital Books in Hindi for all streams, including Arts, Commerce, and Science. These resources cover subjects such as Math (गणित), Physics (भौतिक विज्ञान), Biology (जीवविज्ञान), Chemistry (रसायन विज्ञान), History (इतिहास), Political Science (राजनीति विज्ञान), Psychology (मनोविज्ञान), Sociology (समाजशास्त्र), and more. iPrep enables students to learn various topics in digital form in Hindi, including सांस्कृतिक परिवर्तन, सामाजिक प्रभाव एवं समूह प्रक्रम, मानव स्मृति, भारत के विदेश संबंध, चुनाव और प्रतिनिधित्व, कोशिका: जीवन की इकाई, रसायन विज्ञान की कुछ मूल अवधारणाएँ, and more. These topics are critical and require students to develop a clear and conceptual understanding. Therefore, NCERT books in digital form in Hindi act as a support system for learners who prefer studying in Hindi, providing an additional and engaging source of learning, regardless of whether they have the physical NCERT books in Hindi.
Apart from digital NCERT books in Hindi, iPrep also offers
All the NCERT-aligned content in the form of animated lessons, practice exercises, and notes—all in Hindi. This immersive approach allows students and teachers to learn and practice comfortably in their preferred language, fostering a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the subject matter.
iPrep, a comprehensive learning companion for students navigating the K-12 journey in the Hindi medium
By providing digital NCERT books in Hindi and a vast array of curriculum-aligned content, iPrep empowers students to learn at their own pace, reinforcing their understanding of crucial concepts. Whether you’re a student looking to complement your classroom learning or from the social sector seeking NCERT Digital content in Hindi, iPrep’s bilingual interface and engaging content make it the ideal choice for your learning and your education program.
Looking to enable NCERT-aligned digital Learning in Hindi, contact us at +917678265039">+91 7678265039 or write to us at [email protected] to enable learning in Hindi. You can also share your details with us here.