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Smart Classroom for CSR: Sustainable Solution for Your Digital Education Program

In our last blog, we discussed how NGOs and CSR initiatives can build sustainable digital programs. Through this blog, we’ll explain why a smart classroom for CSR is a sustainable solution for your digital education program.

 Image depicting setup of the smart classroom for CSR education projects by iDream Education

Smart classrooms have become common in schools across India. This is due to the increasing focus of government, corporate, hardware companies, and NGOs on integrating technology in schools. Recently, smart classes have been getting even more focus from social sector investors. This is because of the mention of smart class integration in PM Shri Scheme. For stakeholders looking for easy-to-set-up, manage, and use solutions, Smart Classrooms for CSR offer an exciting way to blend technology and education. 

Need for Sustainable Solution for Your Digital Education Program

The exponential growth of technology has made educational resources much more accessible. This breaks down geographical and psychological barriers, allowing for diverse demographics to pursue learning opportunities. Therefore, sustainable solutions in digital education programs are needed to ensure that technology is smoothly integrated into existing educational frameworks. While choosing sustainable smart classroom for CSR, the program heads should prioritize user-friendly interfaces, easy-to-manage and maintain hardware, and access to relevant content.  

How iPrep Digital Class Can Be a Sustainable Smart Classroom for CSR Projects?

iPrep Digital Class by iDream Education, a sustainable smart classroom solution for CSR education projects

Sustainable Choice of Smart Class Hardware

iPrep Digital Class, a smart classroom solution is designed to seamlessly integrate with leading Smart Class hardware, including Smart TVs, Interactive Flat Panels (IFPs), and Projectors. 

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  • Among these options, the Interactive Flat Panel emerges as the favorite choice of hardware for smart classrooms for CSR projects. Its integration of interactive whiteboards and other features transforms it into a comprehensive teaching tool for teachers. The sustainability of the Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) stems from its Android-based platform, interactive whiteboard, ability to record and share lessons, and more. Teachers’ familiarity with Android devices enables seamless integration into their teaching routines. Interactive whiteboards simplify classroom explanations through the use of shapes, mind maps, diagrams, and more. Additionally, teachers can save lessons for sharing with students on their parents’ devices, facilitating revision sessions. 
  • Enabling iPrep on smart class hardware makes smart classroom solutions a sustainable choice. This is because iPrep’s intuitive user interface is rooted in Universal Design Principles, promoting effortless navigation. The interface meticulously organizes content into user-friendly categories, ensuring teachers can easily find materials tailored to their classes and subjects. Each section of iPrep fulfills distinct teaching purposes, empowering teachers to swiftly access desired content. Furthermore, navigating iPrep becomes more seamless with the language of the category. Furthermore, when teachers transition to their preferred language, they not only see curriculum content in that language but the entire platform as well. This makes the user interface suited for teachers of different states. 

Explore the impact of Smart Class technology, paired with an Interactive Flat Panel, on teachers’ daily routines in this video: 

Delivering Seamless Learning as per Curriculum and State Standards

iPrep on any smart classroom hardware/OS offers access to curriculum-aligned digital content for grades 1-12, across all subjects. This content includes animated lessons, practice with instant feedback, practicals, syllabus books, assessments, life skill content, and more for the holistic growth of diverse student populations. 

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  • Even with limited internet, the automatic updates for teachers make iPrep Digital Class a sustainable solution for your digital education program. We have developed a capability to keep teachers equipped with the most up-to-date content through an auto-update functionality. The content on the smart class starts getting updated in the background whenever the device connects to the internet, making the latest resources available. Even schools with limited internet access to offline content on Pendrive/OPS can take advantage of updated content. They just need to check and accept update notifications. Then, iPrep’s small-chunk update capability starts updating learning material. This solution guarantees that teachers, even in remote locations, have access to current and relevant content that aligns with curriculum and state standards.
  • We also prioritize the holistic development of students and adhere to the educational objectives set forth in government schemes and by social sector investors for their program. We do this by enabling curated and created custom content covering various thematic domains including health, safety, and sanitation, catering to specific student demographics. This approach fosters the holistic advancement of students and fosters a culture of inclusivity in school.

Continuous Monitoring and Reporting to Track Progress of Education Program

The smart class reporting dashboard is designed and developed to provide officials and school administrators with real-time updates on various metrics such as overall solution usage, usage by class, school, and category, among others. Its purpose is to ensure stakeholders stay informed about the program’s impact, facilitating adjustments or targeted actions to maximize effectiveness.

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  • All usage reports are securely stored offline. These reports seamlessly synchronize with cloud-based reporting dashboards whenever the smart class device connects to internet. These reports can easily integrate with any Management Information System (MIS) or Command Control Center. This ensures continuous focus on data-driven learning outcomes, making iPrep smart classroom solution sustainable for social sector education programs.
  • To maintain transparency and facilitate informed decision-making, we can implement an automated system to send regular usage reports to stakeholders. Further, we can send these reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to provide valuable insights into smart class usage patterns, trends, and potential areas of optimization. This ensures proactive communication with stakeholders on project usage which then helps them analyze and make strategic decisions. One of the examples of this is the e-Adhigam Haryana PAL initiative, where we have enabled our PAL solution on tablets. The usage and learning outcomes data of every student is deeply tracked through a central reporting dashboard and is shared daily with officials for impact assessment and tracking.

Plan your Digital Education Program with iPrep Digital Class

iPrep Digital Class,  a smart classroom solution, is a beacon of sustainability for digital education initiatives undertaken by CSR, NGOs, PSUs, and other stakeholders. By embracing iPrep, you will not only advance your educational agendas but also contribute tangibly to a more sustainable future, fostering a generation empowered with unlimited learning opportunities.

If in case you would like to know more about our smart classroom for your CSR project, visit our website. You can also write to us at

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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