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TabLab at a Tin Shed School – Learning All the Way

When we started iDream Education, both Puneet and I personally visited every school where we set up our Tab Lab Solution – iPrep Digital Library. iPrep Digital Library- Tablab is a custom-designed set of tablets for school students. Personally connecting to the finer aspects of hardware management, student engagement, ease of use, and understanding the teacher’s psychology brought immense richness to our work.

It was our research to break open the usage, adoption, and impact barriers to student-centric digital learning in every government school we work with.

As we grew, I built a small vision-aligned team. We then started doing a fabulous job in visiting the schools and setting up the Tab Lab. We also organized training for teachers and students. And therefore my direct connection with the schools stopped.

Also, read how lack of quality teachers affects the growth of students.

Until recently when we received a project to set upiPrep Digital Libraries- Tab Labs for some government schools in Maharashtra. Due to strict timelines, I realized we would have more hands in the field. I was hesitant in the beginning. That is because being on the field means odd hours of work. I also involve a lot of travel, missing meals, and holding onto nature’s call for long times. But I am so glad today that I took the decision to go ahead.

Because when you are on the field, you come face-to-face with your stakeholders and the real users. It also deepens your overall understanding of your own work. At times it can get challenging because you do not know how will they react. What if something fails to work on the field?

But then, there are also moments that inspire you and instill in you a strong sense of belief that you are heading in the right direction. In my recent trip to rural Maharashtra, I had one such experience.

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On the first day, we visited a government school located about 230 Km from Mumbai. The school was made of the proper concrete building but it was a very rural area. It was located at the intersection of two villages and children from these two villages only attended this school. And I thought what could be more rural than this. But, I was so wrong.

The next day, we went 5 km further inside and reached the small village of Morvel. As we took that final left turn towards the school, all I saw were 5 to 6 tin sheds kept one after the another.

This is how the school looked like.

Teachers told us that it gets unbearably hot during summer. Very difficult conditions.

And yet the bunch of teachers we met, were probably the most enthusiastic and committed government school teachers we have worked with. Their eyes gleamed when they saw the tablets and Marathi medium digital content. They of course had a lot of questions. Some of them were also very apprehensive of what burden are we going to add to their lives like other projects they have experienced earlier.  

My team went about their job of setting up the iPrep Digital Library- TabLab. Within half n hour, we installed the storage and charging rack and stacked it inside, and tested the tablets. The setup was complete.

A teacher came and asked me, “That’s it”. I who was waiting to hear this, replied in affirmative, “Yes sir, that’s it. This is how easy it is to set up the iPrep Digital Library- TabLab”. I further added, “And Sir, you will see soon how it is even more easy to use and maintain the iPrep Digital Library- TabLab regularly”.

In that moment they all realised that maybe the iPrep Digital Library will not add up to their daily work. But in fact simplify and empower them as educators.

See also  iPrep Digital Libraries- ICT Labs For Schools

I then gathered all the teachers in one room and spent about an hour with them to help them experience TabLab in action. Our training for the teachers on tablet usage in government schools is totally hands-on, so that rather than listening or seeing they experience TabLab, its components, the ease of use and the value it brings to their teaching role and to their students.

We also took them through the basics of hardware know-how and maintenance. It was thrilling for me to the core when I saw relaxed faces at the end of the training. They now knew how simple and powerful iPrep Digital Library TabLab is and were excited to have our TabLab solution in their school and use it to happily engage their students towards learning . This part, I was sure would anyways happen on its own too. Our TabLab the iPrep Digital Library has been custom designed to proactively excite students in rural India to learn and now after having worked in over 10 states, this is one part, we are extremely confident about.

tablab training

This experience with teachers reinforced something which we have always believed:

Teachers in Government Schools have the inspiration and if given the right tools can truly make a Difference

Teachers in our Government Schools have the inspiration and alignment too. If their background, their work schedule, and their current mindset get acceptance with appreciation and empowering tools, they can very well drive the education transformation in every school.

We were glad to see that our teachers in government schools are willing to work hard and put their everything just to see their children do well in life. In one school, as we got late, teachers were waiting till 8:30 PM at the night. All that to help our team finish the TabLab setup and be a part of the training.

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Teachers working till late in the night

Teachers working till late in the night and very enthusiastic about TabLab

The iPrep Digital Library- TabLab with its plug-n-play design is the best suitable digital learning solution for government schools

No technology-based digital learning solution could have possibly reached the government school in Morvel. It is rural, has little access to most resources, and doesn’t even have a building. Until Tab Lab, which could not only reach the school easily in the rear seat of a car but also it’s set up just takes 30 minutes.

We started iDream Education with a vision to take life-shaping and growth-oriented digital learning to every last-mile learner in the country. And to see our TabLab solution translating this vision into a reality was a moment of pride, happiness, and inspiration for me and for our entire team. iPrep Digital Library breaks open all infrastructural and psychological barriers. It brings in the idea of regular usage of technology in government schools. And these are no longer words. I now see this happening regularly in different parts of rural India.

Please do watch this brief video which we made a year back highlighting the concept of student-centric digital learning via the iPrep Digital Library- TabLab:

Do you know what was the icing on the cake? The teachers in Morvel were so happy that they presented me and my team with a coconut each. We had it on our way back and just loved it. 🙂

experience of taking digital learning to government schools

What has been your experience of taking digital learning to government schools? Do you think it is now a good time for state governments to look at tablet-based learning labs?

Do share your thought with us.

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At iDream Education, we work with a vision to facilitate universal access to learning and growth. Our solutions are designed to break the learning barriers and empower students to Learn Unlimited.

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