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Interactive Flat Panels for Education: A Teacher’s Guide to Enhance their Classroom Teaching

Illustration of teacher teaching through Interactive Flat Panels for education by iDream Education

In an era, where students’ attention spans are fleeting, keeping them actively involved in classroom teaching is a concern for teachers. While certain students demonstrate a strong commitment to their studies, others who are less engaged in classes may exhibit disinterest or disrupt the learning environment. Lack of engagement is a concern for teachers, as they aspire to foster a consistent level of involvement from every student in their classes.

The question then arises: How can teachers achieve this goal? 

Enter the era of smart classes, leading to excitement, engagement, and a touch of magic in the classroom experience. The integration of smart classes in the classroom elevates the teaching experience for teachers by providing interactive content, thereby reducing the need for extensive lesson planning. 

Smart classrooms can be set up on diverse hardware, ranging from Android-based Smart TVs, Interactive Flat Panels, Open pluggable systems, and Projectors to Interactive White Boards. Among these highly in-demand smart class hardware options is the Interactive Flat Panel (IFP), because of its exceptional features and the benefits it provides to teachers. 

How can teachers enhance teaching with Interactive Flat Panels for Education?

Interactive flat panels for education enable interactive learning content

Interactive flat panels in education empower teachers with learning materials in different forms such as syllabus books, video lessons, practice, notes, interactive lessons, and practicals through a dedicated learning platform. One of the examples of this is iPrep, designed for K-12 schools and is easily accessible on interactive flat panels. It offers curriculum-aligned content in various formats, eliminating the necessity for extensive lesson planning. Engaging content on IFP not only simplifies lessons but also enhances students’ comprehension of concepts.

Interactive flat panels for education foster real-time collaboration

Interactive flat panels enhance teaching by facilitating collaborative learning through real-time interaction. Teachers can conduct group activities such as story writing, engaging book reading sessions, and problem-solving exercises using the interactive board. The integration of iPrep on IFP provides teachers with an array of offline content for collaborative endeavors, including syllabus books, storybooks, inspirational biographies, interactive lessons, and more. For example, teachers can enhance the learning experience by incorporating hands-on activities through DIY videos, fostering increased participation and confidence in a vibrant and joyful classroom environment.

Interactive flat panels for education offer digital annotations

Interactive flat panels for education provide teachers with annotation tools that allow them to effortlessly draw content on the screen during lessons. These tools include features such as figures, shapes, rulers, and more, enabling teachers to save valuable time that would otherwise be spent on drawing on blackboards. The flat panel functions as a smart board in the classroom, eliminating the need for erasing explanations – teachers can simply add pages and seamlessly continue teaching. Interactive flat panels in classrooms not only streamline the teaching process but also ensure that explanations are saved within the same class and across other related classes. The annotation tools act as magic chalk for teachers, allowing them to unleash their creativity on the board. 

Further, teachers can use sticky notes to highlight important concepts or facts, employ mind maps to illustrate the flow of ideas, and explore various other creative teaching techniques. In essence, smart classes on interactive flat panels can be used by teachers in various ways to make classrooms creative and engaging.

Interactive flat panels for education allow multimedia integration

n interactive flat panel for education with multi-category K-12 digital content. It is a smart classroom solution by iDream Education.

Smart class on IFP enhances classroom experiences by enabling teachers to integrate multimedia elements like videos, images, and interactive simulations, making lesson delivery more engaging and catering to diverse learning styles. Pre-installed iPrep Digital Content with Integrated Monitoring & Reporting with IFP further empowers teachers with curriculum-aligned content on IFP in various formats, eliminating the necessity to search for online content. iPrep offers Digital content for IFPs similar to textbooks in the local language, helping teachers create a familiar and engaging environment at their fingertips without the hassle of connecting IFPs to the internet.

Interactive flat panels for education allow to conduct interactive quizzes

Teachers can enhance their teaching approach by using iPrep on IFP to conduct real-time quizzes with practice questions. The interactive nature of iPrep on interactive flat panels allows for instant result display and discussions on answers, encouraging active student participation and deepening their understanding. Simultaneously, it provides valuable insights for teachers into the learning needs and interests of their students.  With the use of iPrep’s practice content on IFP teachers can improve student collaboration contributing to a joyful learning environment. Moreover, it serves as a valuable educational resource on days when students may not be in the mood for regular studies or when teachers are occupied with other teaching responsibilities, teachers can encourage students to engage in practice sessions using iPrep on IFP, making optimum use of time. 

Interactive Flat Panel promotes Gesture-Based Learning

The interactive flat panel offers gesture-based controls, providing an engaging experience for students who can use intuitive gestures to interact with on-screen objects. iPrep features gesture-based learning on IFP through simulations, designed to enhance logical comprehension of concepts such as friction, gravity, and more. By executing specific actions like movement or adjusting weight through touch, students can experience these concepts in real time. This approach allows teachers to integrate games and activities that foster learning through hands-on interaction.

Interactive flat panels for education allow documentation of classroom sessions

The implementation of interactive flat panels (IFP) for education enables teachers to document and save content drawn or written on the board during lesson delivery. The saved lessons serve as valuable resources for students, facilitating effective revision and providing a foundation for future classes. Moreover, IFP promotes the convenience of sharing these resources via email with students, parents, and other stakeholders for communication and updates. 

Interactive flat panels for education support Remote Learning

An interactive flat panel for education supporting remote learning through QR scanning. This feature enables easy sharing of classroom instructions on students' phones.

The QR scanner functionality within IFP effortlessly connects traditional classroom content with digital. Teachers can share QR codes with students who are not physically present, allowing them to easily access and learn from the classroom content displayed on the board on their smartphones. This enables remote learners to effortlessly access and absorb the in-class instruction in the comfort of their homes, fostering a more interactive and technologically integrated learning environment. This feature serves as a collaborative functionality, facilitating smooth interaction with students participating remotely.

Interactive flat panels for education allow to keep track of teaching

Through learning platforms such as iPrep on IFP, teachers can monitor the content being taught and adjust their teaching plans accordingly. iPrep’s reporting dashboard enables teachers and other stakeholders to track video lessons, practice sessions, syllabus materials, and more used in the classroom, along with their durations. This continuous reporting and monitoring contribute to improved lesson planning and delivery.

Interactive flat panels for the professional development of teachers

IFPs have the potential to contribute to teacher training and professional development sessions in schools. Teachers can engage in collaborative efforts with colleagues, sharing insights on their utilization of IFP, iPrep (learning platform), and its features to elevate classroom teaching. This collaborative approach fosters ongoing learning within schools, contributing to the strengthening of teacher training as envisioned in National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020.

“Interactive Flat Panels for education are proving to be indispensable smart class devices that significantly enhance the capabilities of teachers and the overall teaching experience”. 

With increasing demand for IFPs, especially in the context of smart classrooms, it is becoming a cornerstone in the EdTech industry. The incorporation of iPrep further elevates their value, providing teachers with a seamless and efficient means of diverse educational content. Notably, the offline functionality ensures accessibility for schools across diverse locations in India, making IFPs a practical and versatile solution for both private and public schools. As we witness the evolution of education technology, the Interactive Flat Panel stands out as a key enabler, enhancing the way students learn and teachers instruct.
In case you would like to know more about interactive flat panels for education, visit our website,, or write to us at

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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