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Empowering Girls to Learn Unlimited: iPrep Reaches Over 7000 Girls in 56 Districts of UP

iPrep, educational app to Learn Unlimited

Education is the key to success, but for many girls, getting access to education does become a challenge. This has been seen in Uttar Pradesh as well. According to a report by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), only 53.4% of girls* in the state complete secondary education. The reasons for this are many, including societal structures & beliefs, and infrastructure. The Government is actively working to improve the situation, and a lot of progress has been made so far.

The Initiative 

Under the Bharat EdTech Initiative and a project implemented by Milaan Foundation, over 7000 girls across 56 districts of Uttar Pradesh were given access to Digital Education through the iPrep by iDream Education (a K-12 learning App) accessible through Smartphones. It offers rich digital content for classes 1st to 12th, all subjects and skills, is bilingual, works on all hardware devices and includes multi-grade access in a single subscription to facilitate universal access to Learning and Growth. This has allowed these girls to access rich digital content for their classes and all subjects with easy access to the content of all classes to cover up their historical learning gaps and/or prepare for higher grades.

iPrep App provided easily understandable content in various categories, including animated lessons, syllabus books, and interactive multiple-choice question (MCQ) practice with real-time feedback. This comprehensive approach made learning more accessible and enjoyable for girls.


iPrep by iDream education empowering girls education in UP

The impact of iPrep on the girls using it has been significant. 

Some key observations from the midline assessment are:

  • Enjoying learning from animated lessons: Girls find animated lessons enjoyable and engaging. They feel that it is not boring because it has an explanation with real-life connections. Further, with the help of animations, girls are able to comprehend complex concepts easily. As a result, they have developed an interest in learning.
  • The revision became simpler: Another significant benefit of iPrep to girls is that lesson revision has become simpler. If any girl needs help following classroom teaching, they easily revise lessons from iPrep at home by pausing videos, understanding the concepts, and then playing again. This allows girls to learn at their own pace, ensuring that they understand each topic thoroughly before moving on to another topic.
  • Achieving Mastery: By utilizing iPrep, girls are able to determine what they need to learn through practice and achieving mastery on each topic. With the ability to monitor their progress and identify areas for improvement, the girls are empowered to take charge of their own learning, resulting in increased confidence in the topics learned.

Increasing Engagement: Active Girls on iPrep Exhibit Improvement in Usage

Based on the usage reports, it is evident that active girls on iPrep spend an average of 175 minutes per month using the platform. Furthermore, nearly 80% of girls use iPrep daily.

The impact of iPrep on girls’ education in Uttar Pradesh is an example of how technology can be used to improve access to education. It has enabled thousands of girls to access quality education and has helped bridge the gap between those with access to education and those without it. With continued efforts like this, we can hope to see a brighter future for girls in Uttar Pradesh and beyond.

If you would like to know about our iPrep and our digital learning solutions, comment below or write to us at

Source: <Report_585_75th_round_Education_final_1507_0.pdf>

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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