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Navigating you to the Smart Class Vendor in India: A Guide to Choosing the Right Vendors for Your School Education Program

Are you on the hunt for a smart class vendor that perfectly aligns with your education goals? Amidst the lot of options out there, it’s crucial to find a vendor who not only offers smart solutions but also understands the importance of cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and meaningful impact. 

iDream Education: A smart class vendor for any location in India

Picture this: a seamless setup, easy-to-use interface, and most importantly, solutions tailored to amplify the impact of your education initiatives. Know about smart class vendors in India who are always within your reach and are a perfect fit for your needs!

Define the scope and objectives

Prior to commencing an assessment of a smart class vendor, it is important to understand the scope and objectives of the project. This entails specifying the locations, schools involved, number and type of devices required, overarching goals, and aspirations of your educational program. Crucial aspects include expected outcomes and the anticipated impact of smart class integration. Ensuring that the chosen EdTech solution provider aligns seamlessly with your educational vision is also essential.

With a well-defined framework in place, you can identify a smart class vendor capable of integrating solutions effortlessly across various locations in India, necessitating no additional infrastructure for device setup. Moreover, the selected vendors should possess the capability to tailor solutions precisely to fit the parameters of your educational program, whether it entails setting up a single smart classroom or scaling to a hundred or more.

The ideal smart class vendor for your educational program is one that not only offers guidance on suitable smart class devices but also assists in selecting cost-effective yet dependable options capable of sustaining long-term usage in schools, thereby amplifying the efficacy of your initiative. 

iDream Education comprehensively comprehends and aligns with the requirements of government entities, corporations, NGOs, and other ecosystem partners. 

  • We adeptly steer you towards the most fitting smart class solutions for education programs, regardless of the geographical location across the nation.
  • We guide our stakeholders through a selection of smart classroom hardware options and have integrated iPrep Digital Class on interactive flat panels (IFPs), smart TVs, and other smart class hardware devices such as OPS.
  • We personalize smart classroom setups, whether it’s for a single classroom or scaling up to hundreds. Our experience ranges from setting up one smart class at Modern Montessori School in Rampur UP, to deploying 166 smart classrooms across 50 schools in EJH, Meghalaya, and even expanding to 1400 smart classrooms equipped with digital content and learning management systems in Himachal Pradesh.

Choose the right learning platform

When selecting a smart class vendor, a crucial consideration is finding the appropriate learning platform that enhances the educational program’s value. Various options exist, spanning from open-source software to commercial vendors, cloud-based services to local servers, and web-based interfaces. The choice of platform should align with the project’s specific requirements and preferences, such as user-friendly interfaces and adaptable learning platforms compatible with various operating systems such as Android, Windows, Linux OS, or OPS, and compatible with smart class hardware such as IFPs, Smart TVs, Projectors, and Interactive Whiteboards. This level of customization, functionality, reliability, and budget management by a single smart class vendor streamlines the education program.

iDream Education stands out as one of the best smart class vendors, offering:

  • The comprehensive K-12 learning platform, iPrep, which works seamlessly on all major smart class hardware, including Android-based Smart TVs, Interactive Flat Panels, Projectors, and Interactive Whiteboards. Moreover, we deploy our smart classrooms through a Server-Client model, where content streams via a central server over a local area network. 
  • iPrep provides rich digital content for classes 1st to 12th, covering all subjects, including animated lessons, instant feedback practice sessions, practical exercises, syllabus books, notes, and assessments, with exam preparation materials available in English, Hindi, and other languages. 
  • Integrated with a bilingual and user-friendly Learning Platform, iPrep facilitates easy class switching and supports both offline and online content for NCERT & various State Boards.

The Smart Class Project initiated by Nagar Nigam in Smart City Saharanpur, UP, exemplifies a local server-based smart class infrastructure. 

In this project, iPrep digital classes have been introduced across 20 schools in Saharanpur, using a central server setup located at the Nagar Nigam office. This centralized server arrangement, integrated with a Local Area Network (LAN), has scaled the implementation of iPrep. The system is seamlessly connected with Interactive Flat Panels (IFPs) installed across 20 schools. Notably, this approach streamlined content distribution, a significant reduction in costs, and enabled access to offline smart class content as well, eliminating the necessity for continuous internet connectivity.

Collaborate and Share

Collaboration and sharing play a crucial role in cutting costs and boosting efficiency for smart classroom projects or for that matter any digital education projects. Whether it’s corporations teaming up with NGOs or hardware companies partnering with governments, pooling resources, expertise, infrastructure, and educational content is key. This collaborative approach minimizes redundant efforts, enriches the quality and variety of resources, and sparks innovation. 

iDream Education eagerly embraces opportunities for collaboration and sharing, aspiring to serve as a Learning Management System (LMS) and content delivery partner for smart class initiatives across educational technology initiatives in India.

  • PC World, a hardware company, partnered with iDream Education to provide Learning Management Systems (LMS) and digital content for smart classes as part of the smart class initiative by the Chhattisgarh Government. This collaboration has facilitated the implementation of 126 smart classes in schools across Chhattisgarh, This reflects on collaborative integration of smart classrooms with smart class vendors.

Evaluation and Personalization

Evaluation and Personalization stand as important factors for choosing cost-effective smart class vendors. It begins with assessing the performance and impact of smart classrooms through diverse methods and metrics, encompassing user feedback, usage data, quality benchmarks, and cost-benefit analysis. This process helps in pinpointing both strengths and weaknesses of the smart class, while also highlighting opportunities and threats for its future integration. Personalization, on the other hand, involves adapting and refining the smart classroom based on evaluation findings to amplify its value and relevance within stakeholders’ educational programs. 

iDream Education welcomes evaluation and assists stakeholders in assessing smart classroom solutions based on factors like location, school environment, internet connectivity, device quality, usage of already implemented smart classes in schools and personalization, facilitating informed decisions before commencing implementation processes.

While Evaluating a Smart Class Vendor, Keep in Mind:

Image showing list of Things to keep in mind while looking for a smart class provider near you
  • Hardware Pricing

When assessing a smart class vendor, prioritize those who tailor pricing structures to align with your project’s needs. This includes accommodating additional hardware requirements like interactive boards, IFPs, smart tv, UPS, power backup, cameras, casings, security features and more. By offering personalized pricing slabs, vendors ensure that smart class solutions are optimally suited to your educational program while remaining within your budgetary constraints.

  • Features of the Smart Class hardware

The Smart Class hardware offers an array of features designed to enhance classroom engagement and facilitate effective teaching. One such feature comes with interactive boards that stand out as invaluable tools, providing teachers with dynamic digital boards that makes teaching interactive and digitized. Smart Class hardware and their features allow seamless integration of multimedia content, interactive exercises, and real-time feedback, empowering teachers to tailor their lessons to diverse learning styles and capture students’ attention more effectively. Additionally, the Smart Class hardware facilitates seamless integration with various educational resources, allowing teachers to access a wealth of learning content curated to enrich their lessons and engage students in meaningful ways. Overall, these features foster an environment conducive to active learning and collaboration, ultimately enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and students alike.

  • Warranty of Smart Class Hardware

Warranty for smart class hardware is important for ensuring the longevity and reliability of these technological investments in educational programs. It provides a safety net against unforeseen malfunctions or defects, offering ease of managing and using. Opting for a smart class vendor that offers warranties ranging from 1 to 3 years or more is crucial as it signifies their commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction. Such extended warranty periods not only safeguard against potential issues but also reflect the vendor’s confidence in the durability and performance of their smart class hardware solutions. Therefore, when selecting a smart class vendor, prioritizing those that provide warranty terms which can ensure a smoother integration of technology into the classroom environment and contribute to the overall success of educational programs.

  • Smart Class Content Support and quality

Smart class vendors offering hardware solutions with comprehensive learning platforms that can be effortlessly integrated across various hardware setups, ensure the efficacy of educational programs. Moreover, the content hosted on these platforms must exhibit high-quality standards to facilitate engaging and effective learning experiences, optimized for both educational and recreational use on digital devices. Choose the smart class vendor that combines seamless installation capabilities with premium content offerings. These vendors can significantly enhance the classroom environment, fostering learning that is conducive to holistic student development.

  • Support to schools

Effective customer support is paramount for smart class vendors in education programs. It encompasses providing continuous technical assistance, comprehensive teacher training, and ongoing support to ensure optimal utilization of the implemented solution. By prioritizing support mechanisms, vendors not only empower teachers to navigate technological challenges but also facilitate seamless integration of education technology in schools, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students.

  • One stop solution

A smart class vendor should also be an OPS vendor and should be able to offer all services such as installation, security, branding, transport, setup,  enablement through either pen drives or loading content on devices locally or through a network, content, Learning Management System, teacher/stakeholder training as well as seamless & integrated monitoring and reporting; and integration if and as needed with other databases. Most importantly, the smart class vendor must be able to deliver online or offline solutions at scale across various geographies and regions both urban as well as rural.

Select the smart class vendor that gives you the capability to seamlessly update content on the cloud in alignment with evolving curriculum frameworks across various state boards. This provider should facilitate content in mother languages, offer both online and offline accessibility, deliver user-friendly learning platforms, provide thorough smart classroom training, ensure content alignment with state boards, and cover all subjects and grades comprehensively.

Observations made as a smart class vendor in India

  • Smart classrooms in schools are enhancing student performance by leveraging visual learning methods, which aid in better retention of information.
  • Personalized features such as bridge courses, integrated into learning platforms by smart class vendors, allow teachers to tailor lessons according to individual learning styles, thereby improving classroom learning experiences.
  • Smart classrooms are helping in reducing distractions, leading to increased student-teacher engagement and better focus on learning.
  • The interactive nature of smart classrooms fosters greater interaction between students and teachers, facilitating a deeper understanding of concepts and easier comprehension of educational material.

In recent years, there has been a notable surge in the integration of smart class technology within schools, marking a significant paradigm shift in pedagogical approaches. This transformative trend is propelled by the recognition of technology’s potential to enhance learning experiences, improve student engagement, and foster critical thinking skills. 

As PSUs, Government, corporates, foundations, NGOs and other stakeholders increasingly recognize the need to nurture 21st-century skills, including financial literacy, digital literacy, career orientation, vocational learning, biographies and more, the integration of these and smart classes emerges as a cornerstone of educational initiatives across India. 

Selecting the right smart class vendor is a critical decision that can significantly impact the planning, cost, reach and impact of your education program. By thoroughly researching and evaluating potential vendors based on factors such as technology offerings, customization options, support services, affordability, and impact assessment you can ensure that you partner with a vendor who aligns with your specific needs and goals.

If you are looking for the right smart class vendor, visit our website,, or write to us at Choose wisely, and reap the benefits of a fruitful partnership that fosters innovation and excellence in education.

Frequently Asked Questions -

1. Name of Smart Class Vendor near me?

iDream Education. They offer most fitting smart class solutions for education programs, regardless of the geographical location.

2. Name of Smart Class Vendor in India?

iDream Education. They offer most fitting smart class solutions for education programs, regardless of the geographical location. They help stakeholders through a selection of smart classroom hardware options and have integrated their learning platform iPrep on various smart class hardware such as interactive flat panels (IFPs), smart TVs, and other smart class hardware devices such as OPS. They even personalize smart classroom setups, whether it's for a single classroom or scaling up to hundreds.

3. Name of leading platform for smart class?

iPrep. It is a user-friendly interface and adaptable learning platform compatible with various operating systems such as Android, Windows, Linux OS, or OPS, and compatible with smart class hardware such as IFPs, Smart TVs, Projectors, and Interactive Whiteboards.

4. What are the best smart devices for classroom use?

Interactive Flat Panel and Smart TVs integrated with K-12 digital content, Learning Management System (LMS) and reporting by iDream Education.

5. How can smart class devices enhance learning in the classroom?

1. Smart class in schools enhance student performance by leveraging visual learning methods, which aid in better retention of information. 2. Smart Class allows teachers to personalize their classroom teaching through bridge courses, integrated into learning platforms by smart class vendors, allowing teachers to tailor lessons according to individual learning styles, thereby improving classroom learning experiences. 3. Smart classrooms help reduce distractions, leading to increased student-teacher engagement and better focus on learning. The interactive nature of smart class devices fosters greater interaction between students and teachers, facilitating a deeper understanding of concepts and easier comprehension of educational material.

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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